Design Grammar

So we have a few examples:

bram yogcreationism
sup bramcreated (past)
dax bramcreated (state)
reC bramcreating
wid bramwill create
bram yog zekcreationist
yas bram yog zekcreationists
bak bram yog zekcreationist's
bak yas bram yog zekcreationists'

What is a modifier depends on what you are saying. In the above, bram is sometimes a modifier and sometimes the base.

And some example sentences.

We wanted to walk to the tree.bib yod wani roxo waki palo dan dipa.
We wanted to go do something.bib yod wani roxo buqi zusi sam ciqwa.
We would try to go there and study.bib wud zoki roxo buqi Cire kon vedi.
That was a disinformation campaign.gul yod vuti nic bat vic yundoqa.
It boils down to information and computation.val borli kar palo vica kon xika.
I wonder if it's better or best.suq peleki kiko val vuti mor tovu cor mis tovu.
You never know what you're going to get.rim nan vak bodi suk rim vuti reC buqi roxo geti.
The land before time.dan landa turo kala.
The big beautiful oak tree is still standing.dan brat fol byutu kwerkus dipa vuti tepe reC standi.
The creationist mindset is interesting.dan abram yog zekwa man setxa vuti reC trisu.
The creationists created creation.dan yas abram yog zekwa yod brami brama.
I like purple and/or green colors.suq laki sefu kon coro fezu klora.

You can include the -u on designs if it helps scope concepts into their own nested terms, or you can leave it out. Whatever helps with comprehension. You can even put designs after the base word, by adding a -u, though it is unusual.

Talking modifiers

In one way, you can learn about modifiers as ways of accomplishing common things you do in English with prefixes, suffixes, and sometimes extra words.

To say "more"

To say "better", you say essentially "more good". To say "wiser", you say "more wise". That is like "mor tov" or "mor wix". Since this becomes basically an adjective (or like we call a feature, or more specifically a "fusion"), it ends in -u if anything. So "mor tovu" or "mor wixu".

To say "most"

To say "best", you say "most good". To say "wisest", "most wise", etc.. So "mis tov" and "mis wix". These are nouns, so they end in -a, like "mis tova".

To say "-ly"

When you say words like "creatively" or "natively" or "shockingly", you are basically saying "like" or "emanating" or "oriented", each of which are slightly different ways of capturing meaning (which English doesn't dig into).

So you would say "creative-emanating", as "bram netu". The system for doing like is like "creative-like" or "bram muzu".

To say "-ing", but not in the progressive tense (i.e. as Gerunds)

To say "shockingly", the "-ing" is meaning "inducing", so "shock inducing like". To do that, you would do "zor", so "samlar zor muzu". It has no definite progression or state, it is just a nebulous statement.

To say "-ing", as an activity

To say "I was eating", you would say "suqa vut reC hiti".

To say "-ed"

There are 2 types of -ed, a state which is entered into, or a completed action. The completed action you do with "yod", so to say "I walked yesterday", you might say "yod waki". But to say "I am angered", that is an entered into state, that is you now contain that state, so that would be with "pot" as in "pot kadibu".

To say "-able"

To say "convertible", you would say "hawal kanu".

To say "-ful"

To say "beautiful" you would use "fol" like "fol byutu".

To say "-less"

To say "careless" you would use "lef", "lef hudumu".

To say "-some"

Like "awesome", you would say "hasom tazu".

Other Examples

  • interestingly = interest + ing + ly, so "trise".
  • interestingly enough = "tris nufe" (you can leave off the -e if it isn't necessary)
  • mystification = mystery + ify + ication, so "the make mystery process", or "mek kix rahasa"
  • centrality = central + ity, means roughly "central orientedness", that is, the nature of having centralness, so that would be "van yum noda"