Path Poem

dan weka Cak kin vuti pot toldo, vuti nun dan yogeq weka
dan nema Cak kin vuti pot nemo, vuti nun dan yogeq nema
dan pot nun nema vuti dan rija xal xayma konu maxa
dan pot nema vuti dan mama xal dan yas midyar ciqa
budwan reC hazi nop zayda palu vyuni bak val laga
budwan reC hazi zayda palu vyun bak val gola
yas lig doba hazi dan sem rija, hidu pami rasu nema
dan doba vut pot kuzi mista
mista retu mista, vuti dan gleta palu kol yas wanda

The Dao that can be stated, is not the eternal Dao;
The name that can be named is not the eternal name.
The unnamed is the origin of heaven and earth;
The named is the mother of the myriad things.
Constantly having no desire in order to view its commencement;
Constantly having desire in order to view its termination.
These two have the same origin, but they differ in name;
Both are called Mystery.
Mystery after Mystery, is the gate to all wonders
