
These sounds are all defined on the Tone site.

tridtridi soundiwolflupine
gemzgemze soundebearpoppy
ratxratxa soundarabbitsage
vorxvorxo soundoelkdatura
hudjhudju soundumousemorning glory
warpwarpA soundAskunkwestern goldenrod
fredfredE soundEbeavermoss verbena
yildyildI soundIraccoontidy tips
nurfnurfU soundUsquirrelblue flax
moltmoltO soundOramfive spot
reqkreqkenglish r vowel sound2gophercommon deerweed
corncornbritish o vowel sound1moosebaby blue eyes
mornmornm soundmowlhoneysuckle
natxnatxn soundncrowmallow
txeqtxeqq soundqduckthistle
garmgarmg soundgeaglelilac
drupdrupd sounddseagullredwood sorrel
bardbardb soundbsparrowmilkweed
parzparzp soundphawkyarrow
toldtoldt soundtwoodpeckerbeardtongue
kliqkliqk soundksnailfuchsia
holdholdh soundhdovemanzanita
snorsnors soundslizardiris
flomflomf soundfnewtblue elderberry
vustvustv soundvfrogindian paintbrush
zuqkzuqkz soundzsalmonchamise
jalfjalfj soundjtroutphacelia
xarpxarpx soundxdragonflynightshade
cropcropc soundcbutterflysunflower
CorkCorkC soundCantmonkeyflower
witxwitxw soundwbeeleafy daisy
yarnyarny soundybeetlebuckwheat
ladjladjl soundlgrasshopperlily
ramprampr soundrwormgrass
rendrendfrench r soundGcrabcoffeeberry
plapplapglottal stop'clambrittlebush

You can imagine that you see an animal, and the order you see them in spells a word, since the animals are associated to sounds.