
These are nouns, modelled as kaq in general and called saq in their instance. If it's derived from a verb or adjective, it's the thing itself.

chatthe chat object, the chat itself
countthe count result
securitysecure system/framework
diagnosisdiagnose result, itself
invocationinvoke event
turnturn event
sneaksneak event
oppositionoppose force
repentancerepent process
ignoranceignore state
membershipmember state
jigglejiggle action
clarityclear feature state
frivolityfrivolous essence
innocenceinnocent nature
diligencediligent essence
gallopgallop event
marvelmarvelled thing
revocationrevoke result
undulationundulate event
slitslit result
commitcommit object
deficiencydeficient object
determinationdetermine result
thoroughnessthorough nature
reassurancereassure state
admittanceadmit result
studystudy result
gaspgasp event
confessionconfess result
puncturepuncture result
huddlehuddle activity
glitterglitter items/creators
aggregationaggregate result
walkwalk activity, the walk itself

Self and Other



These are pronouns like I, you, and it.


Possessive Pronouns

bak suqbak suqmy
bak rimbak rimyour
bak valbak valits
bak bibbak bibour
bak pembak pemtheir

Or a shortened version, since it is so common.


There are no special "grammatical cases" like in English where the subject of a phrase is "I" but the object is "me". It is all the same no matter what part of speech it is.

My favorite color.bak suqa klor favrita.
I love things.suqa lavi yas ciqa.
Our favorite place.bak biba fev plesa.
Their interesting little place.bak pema gut tres txab plesa.

Reflexive Pronouns

bak suq bolbak suq bolmyself
bak rim bolbak rim bolyourself
bak val bolbak val bolitself
bak bib bolbak bib bolourselves
bak pem bolbak pem bolthemselves

Or shortened:

slur bolslur bolmyself
glok bolglok bolyourself
vlam bolvlam bolitself
bliz bolbliz bolourselves
plek bolplek bolthemselves

Formal Names

Other formal names include place names and species names, amongst other things.

The Big Owl-Eyed Night Walker.

So it would be broken down as:

Big   Owl    -Eyed     Night -Walk  -er.
brat  yanxuf leg nayan nit   wak  zeka

So it can get arbitrarily complex that way.

A "gorilla" is a "large monkey" (brat maqk). To know we aren't just talking about generic large monkeys, we can prefix the noun phrase with kaq signifying "type".

kaq brat maqka
The beautiful gorilla        is   a   large monkey.
dan fal byut  kaq brat maqka vuti nic brat  maqka.

Object Terms

Here are some example more complex multi-word terms.

Ideally formal noun-phrases only use max 3 words, but occasionally you may need to use 4 or more.

Some things can't have a memorable name, like the name of specific classes of rock, or of molecules or genes. You could theoretically have a "simple" name, but it would be a long name with many simple words. So instead of that, we can create short words. But you are unlikely to memorize more than a few dozen words in each category, so there is a tradeoff. But for formal sciences where they need an identifier, they can use a longer formal word. Ideally, however, we have a short descriptive word, like the following:

boc hartxboc hartxtogether archsynapsida
dirm laspdirm laspskin wingdermoptera
djiv barcdjiv barclive birththeria
dob pot mocdob pot mocsecond moutheddeuterostoma
fidas bomfidas bomfetus membraneamniota
flek sutflek sutmirror symmetrybilateria
had kordathad kordathead cordcephalochordate
kordat zolkordat zolchord animalchordata
laf larmlaf larmfour limbtetrapoda
larot zollarot zolpregnant animaleutheria
marm hartxmarm hartxmammal archtherapsida
marm zolmarm zolmammal animalmammalia
mil zolmil zolsmell animalolfactores
grac mocgrac mocjaw mouthgnathostomata
nefros zolnefros zolkidney animalnephrozoa
lok bronlok broncomplete boneeuteleostei
kump zolkump zolcomb animalctenophora
rit zolrit zolafter animaleumetazoa
flex trandjflex trandjflesh finsarcopterygii
spandj zolspandj zolsponge animalporifera
laqk norzlaqk norzwool elephantmammoth
leg span bronleg span bronspiny bonevertebrata
leg riq zek zolleg riq zolringed animalannelida
blab koxblab koxblob cellamorphea
leg djont dedjleg djont dedjjointed appendagearthropoda
suC flob formsuC flob formthree lobed formtrilobitomorpha
suC flobsuC flobthree lobetrilobita
klez gralklez gral10k feetmyriapoda
glep gralglep grallip footchilopoda
dob graldob graldouble footdiplopoda
boc trabboc trabtogether tribesymphyla
xant gracxant gracancient jawarchaeognatha
tasal tertasal tertassel tailthysanura
xant laspxant laspancient wingpalaeoptera
pyur lef lasppyur lef lasppure winglesszoraptera
bred laspbred laspbraid wingplecoptera
cin larv laspcin larv laspshort-lived wingephemeroptera
fantom hinsekfantom hinsekphantom insectphasmatodea
plet dirmplet dirmplate skinplacodermi
sup porfsup porfabove perfecthyperoartia
nuc wul gracnuc wul graclong hair jawchaetognatha
kardj frixkardj frixcartilage fishchondrichthyes
bron frixbron frixbone fishosteichthyes
tret lasptret laspray wingactinopterygii
leg spinleg spinspinyacanthodii
toks sidtoks sideasy seedeukaryote
kardj bronkardj broncartilage bonechondrostei
gum trandjgum trandjnew finneopterygii
gavur formgavur formchicken formgalliformes
had xild formhad xild formhead shield formcephalaspidomorphi
lasp xild formlasp xild formwing shield formpteraspidomorphi
farC gralfarC gralfeather footpinnipedia
nan zig laspnan zig laspunequal winganisoptera
txab zontxab zonlittle earotariidae
svik cetx katsvik cetx katknife tooth catmachairodontinae
xant gracxant gracold jawpalaeognathae
brat veg korvidbrat veg korvidlarge black corvidraven
bul korvidbul korvidblue corvidblue jay
brat bordbrat bordbig birdostrich
stup bordstup bordstupid birdbooby
dragan flamdragan flamdragon flydragonfly
flam vuc zekflam vuc zekfly catchergnatcatcher
dents nirndents nirn zoldense knee animalpycnogonum
klan horn zolklan horn zolclaw horn animalchelicerata
wug span leg had wurmwug span leg had wurmspiny headed wormacanthocephala
har djivhar djivearly lifearchaea
brat maqkbrat maqklarge monkeygorilla
smal veg maqksmal veg maqksmall black monkeybonobo
dral noz maqkdral noz maqkdry nosed monkeyhaplorhini
lird noz maqklird noz maqkwet nosed monkeystrepsirrhini
gum bal maqkgum bal maqknew world monkeyplatyrrhini
mig bal maqkmig bal maqkold world monkeycercopithecidae
har xant zolhar xant zolearly ancient animalpaleoproterozoic
rib zolrib zolintermediate animalmesozoic
gum zolgum zolnew animalcenozoic
gum jengum jennew generationneogene
lef gumlef gumless newmeiocene
zin maqkzin maqklazy monkeyloris
smal hilgsmal hilgsmall eaglehawk
bis maqkbis maqkcross monkeyhominini
tul damtul damtool humanhomo habilis
stand damstand damstand humanhomo erectus
cros damcros damart humanhomo sapiens
veg korvidveg korvidblack corvidcrow
veg maqkveg maqkblack monkeychimpanzee
mant glonmant glonmountain lionmountain lion
strip katstrip katstriped cattiger
brat kwik katbrat kwik katlarge quick catleopard
smal kwik katsmal kwik katsmall quick catcheetah
narv horsnarv horsriver horsehippo
saft txal krabsaft txal krabsoft shell crabsoft shell crab
brat ximpbrat ximplarge shrimplobster
borz snekborz snekpoisonous snakeviper
cwat jar bordcwat jar bordmud runner birdcurlew
malk frix zek bordmalk frix zek bordking fisherkingfisher
mants zartmants zartmonster lizardgila monster
menat zartmenat zartmane lizardiguana
nuqk wizalnuqk wizalbear weaselmarten
bad yanxipdup yanxipbody maneuvergymnastics
brat svikbrat sviklarge knifesword
bur laksbur laksconcern lackapathy
djiv veddjiv vedlife sciencebiology
dob roldob roltwo cyclebike
kand dikkand dikcommand makercommander
juv gasjuv gaslife gasfart
hadic dikhadic diknews makerjournalist
har yumhar yumearly daymorning
cetx zekcetx zektooth agentdentist
kal tulkal tultime toolclock
klak swep gemklak swep gemice swipe gamehockey
klak rentklak rentice rainhail
kwik suzkwik suzquick sleepnap
gar yas rulgar yas rullanguage rulesgrammar
let yumlet yumlate dayevening
talz vedjtalz vedjfractal vegetablecauliflower
sloC bralsloC bralwater ballwaterpolo
hyol bralhyol bralhole ballgolf
mis tovmis tovmost goodbest
mol nicmol nichigh longtall
mor tovmor tovmore goodbetter
nar katalnar katalperson killmurder
kraf kankraf kancomfort ablecomfortable
not tek zeknot tek zeknote takersecretary
gral bralgral bralfoot ballsoccer
riport dikriport dikreport makerreporter
flet warkflet warkfight workstrike

To say "the long-hair-jaw creature did x", you might say:

dan nuc wul graca yod vuti x

To say "-ableness"

To say a complex concept like "maintainableness", you use "kun". So "meg kuna".

To say "-ness"

Like "darkness", you would use "dax" and say "ram daxa".

To say "the one who does x", like "-er" and "-or"

You might want to say "painter" or "creator", those would be "rasam zeka" or "bram zeka". To say "creators" you would say "yas bram zeka".