Tune Words

Here we will describe the key word formation rules. First, some major things we can get out of the way up front.

  • All base word forms start and end with a consonant. They are turned into words which represent actions, objects, and features by adding vowels to the end.
  • Word components can't end in h, y, or w, as these don't really make a clear audible sound to a non-native speaker.
  • Words components can't start in q (-ng sound).
  • Words can't start with xr, xl, or xn because they are too hard to pronounce.
  • There can only be one vowel between consonants. That is, there are not sounds like oi and ao.
  • An h can't be directly before or after another consonant, it must stand alone. So instead of krahsin it would just be krasin or krahin.
  • The sh sound in English is represented with x.
  • The ch sound in English is represented with tx.
  • The th sound in English can be in two forms, "theory" (soft th) which is a lowercase c, and these (heavy th) which is a capital C.
  • The j sound in English is represented with dj.
  • The j in Tune is the sound of "s" in "measure".
  • The letter y is not treated as a vowel.
  • There are no "compound" words composed by joining two or more words together.
  • "Terms" are multiple words.
  • Words can't have yi or ye (y followed by i or e) in the middle.

Remember, the sh sound is x, ch is tx, th is c as in "theory" and C when "these".

When a word is based on a trait or adjective, then you can make it a noun as if you were saying "[trait] thing", like "great thing", by appending the -a.

When a word is based on an action or verb, then you can make it into a noun by thinking "[verb] thing", like "stumble thing" is "a stumble", for the action "to stumble". Sometimes also "[verb] result".

When a word is based in an object or noun, there is no need to make it into a trait, you can just use it without the suffix to mean a trait.

When a word is based in an object or noun, you can make it into a verb by thinking "make [noun]" a lot of the time, as in "cube", to "make cube" is the verb "to cube". Or to "be [noun]".

Words have a single main form, either being an action (verb) or object (noun). However, it can also be used as a modifier on a noun or a verb, that is using it in its base form.

Many words are derived from existing languages, such as Chiense, Arabic, Hebrew, Sanskrit, and English, and even some words from Inuktitut, French, Latin, and Spanish.

We have worked on making sure each word is maximally different from every other word, or at least it is mor than one similar consonant away from every other word.